
How can make a blog and earn through google ads in 2020 fast work for home.

 I will teach you to do simple blog and how you can earn from your blog by affiliate marketing like in Lazada or Google ads like this Is it your first time to be here and wants to earn extra income online? Click on the Subscribe button and the bell to get notified for new uploads I will teach you how to make a blog if you have a blog and tips for us newbies for newbies, if you got any questions comment down your tips and questions In this video we'll make a blog for affiliate marketing from our last video if you have not watched it yet its on top In blog spot it is not just affiliate marketing that you can add you can also add Google Ad sense or ads from Google Ads by Google like this One more ad choices.

 I'll cover that later on Google ad sense are better for me and also other ads because in affiliate marketing they need to buy before you can get commissions while for these it's paying every time there are viewers of that ads I will show you my Google ad sense dashboard I will blur the other details this is the dashboard of google Ad Sense It pays the ads that is being viewed in blog spot There's page views, impression, and clicks the difference is that page views is as long as they visit your page impression is as long as the ad is viewed Click is when they click on your ad Each payment varies all of them has a payment unlike in affiliate marketing, they need to buy the product first before you can get commission There are many ways to earn through blogging Two ways I told you to earn through blogging In this video I will teach you how you can create a blog and what contents can you add in your blog Let's now create a blog I put a link in the video comments and description on how to create a blog I will not get any commission or any affiliate once you create your blog using that link That's a direct link and not referral Click on Create your blog Choose the google account you want to use for your blog You should have a Google Account Some might request how to create Google account it's just easy,

 You'll choose if you want to use your Google+ profile or your Google or you can also create your own blog profile I'll go with limited blogger profile just for blogger Add your display name, James Ruiz I just put trial Continue to blogger Click on create new blog Title is for your blog's main title For example, old cell phones That's the title of my new blog Address is the one on top like this jame sand money what ever you enter there will appear here Let's try old cellphones again but you can try anything It'll automatically have since it is hosted by Blog spot Since it's free it'll have That's okay it's for free If it's not accepting it add some numbers or anything you want to add or change it This blog address is available Click Continue Choose your blog's theme It's like this This one's super simple That's my theme There's a text here and background It's up to you to you you can change it later on even after creating it you can experiment .

Then click create blog once done That's how easy it is to create a blog You now have a blog For you to see your blog, click on view blog Your address is in here 123oldcellphones that's what you enter in the address field earlier Let's add some design look at how it looks it's really plain You'll just choose here on the themes choose a design you like I'll click this You can customize that the actual design Click on customize For video purposes, let's click on apply to blog That's your blog now You now have articles and a bit of design I'll leave personalization to you Just play with it Themes, layout just play around it This is for your basic blog you're able to do it in 10 to 20 clicks You have your own blog with design Let's go to part 2 I will give you a few tips on how to create articles in your blogs We are now in part 2 of creating articles Why do you need to create an article article is appearing in Google Search and people are looking at ads are just bonuses and also affiliate marketing Basic simple tip for me in your blog, put what you like to do your hobbies, interests, anything that's just easy for you If you like cellphones then put cellphone.

 If you're a mom then add some about mommy life or about your baby Everything that's easy for you that's what you do first A topic that you're familiar about Like for me, I am giving online jobs I'm familiar with online jobs then that's what I am doing even if I don't have external resources using my own words I am able to create topics If you like dogs tell them about your dog's life Did he have scabies when you used this soap Believe me there are those who search for that These days specific topics are better because if it is broad like cellphone that is not being searched a lot since a lot have already postd topics about cellphone I If you're doing about cellphone you can add model 3210 3210 2017 Just like that Be more specific these days For example, title is My Old Cellphone iPhone 4s In this post I have an iPhone 4s before and it's still working until now I will write about pros and cons I have experienced using it Your experience in using that cellphone That's what I did I put pros and cons of iPhone 4S This is nice it's speedy wifi is strong I know what to put there since I was able to use it I also put some cons it's a bit pricey before You can put what you know that you're sure you can describe it or create an article naturaly Even if you're not doing anything you can create article about like your own testimony Plain text is a bit boring you'll need to add some pictures Click on insert image Click upload then choose files Click on the picture you want to use from your computer iPhone 4S click that Wait for it to load Click on add selected.

 It now has a picture Your article is now a bit more powerful You have proofs that you really did that They have something to see It's better if it's not just plain text That's example number 1 Do whatever that's easy for you use whatever that happened to you or whatever you have do that You can do an article about it yourself even withouth the help of others Click on publish once done View blog If you add a picture you'll see it in the featured you'll see the picture right away Wow this is iPhone 4S Once he click on that he'll now see your article I created another new article Most of my viewers are stay-at-home moms taking care of their babies In the title it's about your baby I am always saying this Whatever that you can do whatever that's easy for you and your experiences.

 If you're a mommy and has a 5-month old baby, share your experience with your 5-month old baby Make an article about how to stop your baby from crying You've experienced that how are you able to make your bay stop share it there Put there, feed them or they might be sleepy so help them sleep or change diapers You can put them there or whatever you've experienced Like what I said It's better if you got pictures Put some pictures then click on choose a file like what we did earlier upload a picture of your baby or any picture that you own It's important that all pictures you'll upload in your blogspot or Youtube should be your own You can face copyright and we don't want that Click on add selected It now has your baby's picture That's not my baby that's my nephew Once done, click on publish Let's look at our blog Someone will read these articles they'll search and see these Bonus tip in creating a blog You can add widgets on the right or left side We'll add through layout Click on add a gadget You can add list by clicking plus Try to put the title you want Sample List This varies in whatever widget you want to add Try one add item Once done, click on save It's up to you whatever gadget you want to add I am just giving examples on where will it show and what they look like Sample list It's in the side bar on the left I will try to put it in the header Save arrangement View blog The sample list is now on top, try 1, try 2, try 3 That's how easy to create a blog I showed you earlier that you can add Google Ads in your blogs This is an example You can do that here Click on layout then click on adsense I shared how to create a blogspot for our affiliate marketing it's not for adsense yet Even my blog has no adsense yet There are requirements for you to add AdSense if you click on plus,

 You need to set up an adsense account first in your earnings tab Once you click on your earnings tab It has more requirements How to qualify for adSense I saw a blog about shortlist of what you need to qualify in Google AdSense to add in your blog Let's click on this These are some guides on adding Google Ads in your blog Your blog should be 6 months old You should have 50 quality post that are in your blog It's not impossible It's not easy but it's not impossible to do Anyone can have one don't quit yet Once you have ads and you have readers and these ads are popping up you're getting money on your Google AdSense Impressions and that is being paid That's what's important Passive income that is just a one-time set up You saw how I made a blog i din't take more than 20 minutes We now have a blog It has a layout now It has a few articles make your article nice This is just a sample video You can see the pictures too This is decent for me I can consider it as a simple blog that if I send my traffic here it's good for me What's important for me is the article Next topic of our blogger We'll now add social media It's updating our post 24 hours in instagram It is also posting there you'll see at the bottom other gadgets or widgets that we are adding and many more in our next episode Thank you for watching this video If you liked the video plesae click the like button If you want to see more extra income online online jobs or any jobs online Click on the Subscribe button and notification bell to get notified for new uploads Thank you for watching 

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