
how can earn through Digital Marketing ?

  - Digital marketing is exploding. Google makes over 100billion a year through ads. Facebook's generating over 40billion a year through ads. Hey everyone, I'm Neil Patel, and today I'm going to share withyou how you can start your career in digital marketing. (bright music) Before we get started make sure you subscribe to this channel. When I release more video like this, you'll get notifiedbecause you subscribed. Question for you. How many years have youbeen in digital marketing? If you're just starting offleave a comment below with zero. If you have been doing this for a while, leave a comment belowwith one year, two years, three years, whatever the number is. I'm curious because thetips I'm giving today, it should help you out ifyou're just starting your career or even if you're already afew years in digital marketing. So here's what the firstthing I want you to do is. I want you to start your own website. This is the first step. You need to go out there,create a WordPress blog, or any type of site, I prefer WordPress, but you need to start a site. If it's e-commerce related,start a Shopify site. The best 

way to learn marketing is to start your own website. Step two, take all thecompetitors you have, if you don't know what theyare, you already created that website, and it should be a site that you're passionate about,the industry that you're in. If you don't know anycompetitors, take those key words, whatever industry you'rein, like astrology, marketing, Google from you'll find URLs. Pop them into a tool call UberSuggest. These are all the URLs that are ranking for these keywords you're going after. This will show you how much traffic your competition is getting per region. It'll also show you the toppages that your competition is getting traffic from, andit shows you all the keywords that are driving trafficto your competition. Now that you've seen this, the next thing you need to do is clickon the top pages report. The top pages report willshow you all the top pages for all your competitors,how many visits are getting to each of those pages, howmany social shares do they have, how many back links do they have? And here's what I want you to do next now that you have this data. Go look at those top pages,figure out which key terms are driving the traffic, have high volume, high cost per click, anda low search difficulty, because these are theones that are the easiest to go after first, and havethe most valuable traffic. Go look at those pages, then write a better version of that page. Don't just create 

somethingthat's similar, one up them. Have better images, better videos, whatever it may be, go above and beyond. I used to custom graphics,pay people from Fiverr so I could pop them into my blog posts that way I could have myself, my content, my articles stand outfrom the competition. When you've done that, then the next step for you is to promote your content. So you want to take allthe people that linked to your competitors, you'veseen that from UberSuggest, it shows you a laundrylist of all the people that linked to your competitors, what you want to do is reachout to all those people and be like, hey John,I noticed you linked to XY and Z article, I have similar one that just came out, but minecovered one two and three that theirs didn't, cheers, Neil. Sending that simple emailto hundreds of people, I'm not talking about 100people, I'm saying hundreds, two hundred, three hundred, four hundred, you'll notice that some ofthose people start linking back to you, boost your search traffic, and you're also goingto get referral traffic. Referral traffic is huge. The other beautiful part aboutUberSuggest is it shows you all the popular articlesbased on social shares. So I want you to go to Twitter search, type in that URL of yourcompetition, and it'll show you all the people who sharethat content on Twitter. Hit them all up, ask them. Hey John I noticed youshared XY and Z article from author AB and C, I have a similar one that just came out but minecovers one, two and three. If you like it, feel freeand share it, cheers, Neil. PS, let me know if Ican do anything for you. Sending those 

simplearticles and emails out, or more so messages, you'llget more social shares. You did that with links,you're now doing that with emails, you're goingto get more traffic, as you get more traffic,you'll start getting results. The next thing I want you todo is start collecting emails. It's not just about gettingpeople to your site, it's about building a brand. You can't build a brandwithout collecting emails. You can use free tools like Hello Bar, limits sliders, pop ups, Ido that on, it's a great way tocollect more email address, so then when you get peopleto come back to your site you'll start building a brand. As the XE of Google oncesaid, brands are the solution. He was talking aboutfiguring out what site to rank at the top of Google, and also combating things like fake news. For that reason, youwant to build a brand. And they say when you getpeople back to your site seven times, you're muchmore likely to build a brand. The next thing I want you to do is install a free tool called Subscribers. This leverages push notification. If you've ever used push notification leave a comment below with yes, if you haven't, leave acomment below with no. Just curious. What Subscribers allowsyou to do is have people 

subscribe to your site withjust one click, and that way you can just keep gettingthem back to your site through the browser notifications,has amazing results, especially when youcombine that with email. The last thing I want you todo is start selling something, whether it's a physicalproduct, a service, doesn't matter, youcan do lead generation, you can sell productsthrough affiliate marketing, I just want you to sell something because when you learn to sell, you're learning thefull suite of marketing. It's not just about driving traffic, you need to convert thosevisitors into customers. And if you want a bonustip, this is all you guys who are over achievers, run a AB test. There's a lot of solutionsout there like Crazy Egg that allow you to do this,but you can run a AB test to maximize your conversion rate. Once you've done that, you'll jump start your career into digital marketing. If you need help withyour marketing needs, check out my ad agency,Neil Patel Digital, and if you enjoyed watching this video, like it, share it, subscribe,have any questions, leave a comment below and I'll answer it. Thank you for watching. 

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