
How can make money to write ? Best easy way to make money Online.

How can make money to write ? Best easy way to make money Online.

  Hello guys, my name is CO influencers  and in this video I will discuss what are some sites that are similar to so if you are writing on medium if you are and want to make more money from your writing or If you are not writing on medium and still want to make money to some other ways to your writing Then you can do that I'm going to mention 5 sites that will help you to make more money from your writing So if you are writing on the medium is quite a very helpful website for people who want to get more traffic I hope sites mentioned in these videos where you can Know about how much money I have made at the end of this video. You can also watch this video or in the description section so let discuss some sites that are similar to the number one site the first The site that is very similar to the medium is vocal dot media so the vocal is basically paying you for Getting that the business model of vocal and the business model of the medium is quite similar They pay you per 

getting more views from Vocal plus+ members, so if a person buys a subscription of Vocal plus then you can and he read your Article, then you will get paid based on a thousand views So four thousand views they are paying something like 3.6 dollars per thousand views per for people who are not part of the vocal plus members are And and and they will pay you six point eight dollars if you are part of the vocal plus the the problem with vocal is that when you write your article and you then you need to submit your article to the vocal team vocal editors if they accept your article Then you will make money. There is no guarantee that your article will be accepted. So there are a lot of on medium where our medium you just need to write with write article and Your article will be published in no time Second medium alternative is hot pages So if you want to make money on hot pages You have to make an account on top pages calm and then connect your stripe account stripe account Get paid how they 

what is their monetization model how them how the website makes money and how they pay you They actually run Google Adsense ads and Amazon affiliate Beside your content. So beside your blog posts So if you get more traffic from external sources, like Google search or from foreign media they pay you based on eight clicks or the people who buy affiliate products to your links so this hub pages is one of the best alternative for Best alternative to Mediacom the third website is Cora So Cora has to partner programs. The first partner program is Which is called Cora partner program in which you get paid based on the question you ask in the more until you receive the more money you make and the entender And in a second program is Cora space monetization. So Cora spaces is like Facebook pages so They have started a porous space monetization program, which you will keep paid based on you will make a pill a chorus paste and then you will have to meet certain eligibility criteria to get paid from ads running beside your answers or Posts or or anything you share on your chorus space the fourth is sub step so sub step is Email marketing platform a in sub stake What you will do is you have to write a lot of useful content there are two types of newsletters you make The one is the free newsletter in the premium 

newsletters you can anyone can to delete your content and the paid newsletters you will You will get an annual rate of return a monthly rate of return on your on your on your on your Newsletters to send newsletter to lose to our pain members. They will pay you based on every month So if let's say you have twenty Paid subscribers and each of them is pay another five to you. That means that you will every month you will generate $100 on regular basis. So the more useful the content you write the better the many more Paid email subscribers you will get so you can also use sub-state is a free email marketing tool if you have a list of email emails and you want to Send a bulk of email for free Then export it to the sub stick and send emails without paying a single cent to other Email marketing platforms like MailChimp or convertkit calm The last website is which is based on cryptocurrency with the name of steam it so steam it is a Decentralized system where you get paid based on Number of views you get and based on a virtually virtually courtesy name HP So will you get more streams you get the SP shows you the credibility? how credible is you are so with time your SP increases so the more Active you are on the platform the higher HP you get and the more XPS you get you will make more money The steam it they use. This is the cryptocurrency plate where you get paid based on the 

current price of steam on on on cryptocurrencies market so this is all about The all about writing make money on writing And in conclusion, I would say that Medium is on the best platform for writing if you the five black times I have mentioned Local open media are four pages Cora substrate and steam it Medium is one of the best platform in all of these So if you are writing if you want to make a lot of money to your writing then then Medium is on the best platform to start your writing with and It takes time to build your following on medium is you know medium membership how the medium business model works medium don't run ads medium don't have anything other than Like they don't have any affiliate marketing or anything other than monetization model Their monetization model is based on those interested readers who paid as a five every month I am a medium member myself and the quality \

of the the quality of the medium Articles is way beyond dollar five. We invest every month on medium so if you are if you want to start learning something online if you want to learn something little to your Industry industry you are working in then medium is the best platform. You can write on medium and make funny you can read a lot of content and There are some other thing like like medium is a good domain Authority your post get ranked very easily So I hope this will helps you to understand different alternatives of if you have any question about any of the platforms that I have mentioned please comment it below I will definitely reply like this video and subscribe to this channel for more blogging and Marketing related videos. Thank you and how and I say? 

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