
Best and Easy way to make money online.

 Best and Easy way to make money online

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 Let's talk about how to make money online for beginners. What's up guys, I'm back with another and I think this one is so necessary just to cover how to make money online for beginners, you can go through google and search this stuff for days and come out just confused You don't know where to start. So in this video I'm just gonna cut right to the chase and show you the three ways that I think you should be starting to make money online As beginners I do all of these myself and if you look through this channel You'll find details on all of these things the information in this video took me about three years to really figure out and make sure That it actually works among all the other ways that you can make money online. I'll link up videos throughout this video So if you need further detail on things you can just bookmark those and watch them later So without further ado, let's get right into this Okay, so when you're starting out making money online, you don't need anything complicated A lot of people will tell you to start dropshipping start doing this start doing that There's a huge learning curve to all these things what

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 I recommend you do is get your toes wet and this is where you can determine if this work ethic and this kind of Style of making money work for you. So the best way to do this is actually with Ebates You've probably never heard anyone say this before and it's probably a reason behind that This is a version of affiliate marketing But the way that I'm gonna explain it to you makes it so simple and beginner-friendly So let's get in the computer and let me show you what I mean Okay, so this is Ebates if you haven't heard of it before all it essentially is is not really for making money online But for saving money online, that's not how we're going to use it But that's what people know it for and what it is is a plug-in that goes right into your browser Completely for free and then when you go through thousands of different websites, you just get literally cashback So if you spend ten dollars and they have ten percent cashback They'll mail you a check for $1 or they'll put that into your PayPal account. You'll see there's Nike on here. There's Walmart There's Macy's eBay. There are all of these things So all you have to do here is just go to any of these sites and it'll prompt you for cashback So for example if we go to Walmart We get this pop-up that says activate this before you check out So all you do is click right here and then whatever you buy you'll get five percent cashback Through Ebates has nothing to do with Walmart You'll proceed as normal but you get money back just from Ebates What we're actually gonna use this for although that's great and you'll save money as you're shopping We're gonna use it for the refer and earn. So right here.

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 As I said, it's their referral program So it's like affiliate marketing so why this is so awesome is basically it's a simple referral program. This is your code right here You just give this to the family you give this to friends you can shoot it in text messages emails put it on Facebook and just have people that haven't used Ebates before making an account and Once they make their account and they buy things online. I think the minimum spend is $25. So as soon as they spend $25 online. This can be a year from now. It doesn't even matter they will get $10 just for using your link to sign up and spending 25 and then you will get $25 right into your account, so I don't even push this I just know this is a good way to get your toes wet and I've made six hundred and twenty-five dollars from this Granted some of this is from actual cashback from buying things online But the vast majority of this is just from people using this link and then buying things on Amazon or whatnot They get money and then I get twenty-five dollars So with that being said this six hundred and twenty-five dollars has mainly come from me Just explaining how this works and putting it in YouTube description So I'm going to put this link down in the description if this helps you in any way Feel free to use this link it gives me credit. Thank you in advance If you don't want to use it, you just go to and sign up But again, if you do use it then once you spend money, you'll get $10 back for free So that's why it's such a win-win So before we move on to the next one I just want to make a quick note to say try this out because it doesn't work in every single country or region right now So Ebates is literally trying to get this fixed right now and then I got direct word from Ebates that as soon as it does Get approved in the countries and regions that it's not available in now everyone

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 who has signed up will get notified immediately So then you can start using it So even if it's not allowed in your country or region just know that it may be soon So that's the first one this is Ebates and it's the simplest way to start making money online Alright moving right on to the second one and this is print on demand So if you haven't heard of print on demand before it's everywhere on the internet and you don't even notice that it's actually happening what this is is you'll see a t-shirt for sale online and we would think that there's inventory of this if we order a size they'll pick that out of it and They'll ship that to us But most of the times it's not even printed they have none of these as soon as someone orders one say you order in red and size medium They will grab a red medium shirt and they will go print that design and then they will ship it out to you on demand So that's the print on demand This is happening online not just for clothing, but also for stickers for artwork for all kinds of things Just using the print on demand model So what we're going to do is create designs that can be put on differ Items and then as soon as people find them and they like them they can order it and the websites that I'm about to show You will do everything else So if someone sees the design you created on a shirt and they like it they buy it the company or the website is going To print it ship it take care of returns customer service everything and then they just send you your profit It's that easy and then there's multiple websites. So before you start thinking, well, I'm not creative I'm not good at designing all the little things that go along with creating designs and artwork there are two apps that you can use for this one is called typo Rama and this is for an iOS or an iPhone and then

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 Another is called word swag and this is for an Android phone now right now Neither of these is on a desktop so you can't use it on your computer So the designing the only catch is you have to do it on your smartphone, but it is really easy And I've got a full tutorial right here. If you need to know how to find designs and come up with ideas even if you're not creative and then how to use these apps to actually create the design and then all we have to do with These designs and upload them to these websites. So I'm going to jump in the computer and show you what these websites are Okay, this is the first one and this is notoriously the biggest print-on-demand site right now with exception Maybe the second ones big as well, but this is the spring And as you can see, these are the different items that are all print-on-demand  They look like their shirts like they have them in inventory But really these are just mock-ups of the shirts and all you'll have to do here is login create a free account and then start Designing and you can put it on there if you need more on this I've got a full the spring course that I'll walk you through literally this step by step and once you learn it on the spring It'll be easy for the rest. I'll link that down in the description If you're looking for a full course style of this the course is only ten bucks and comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee So if you don't make your money back in that time,

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 just get a refund But if you're not ready for a full course, then you can just browse through my channel I've got a whole teespring tutorials playlist that'll basically walk you through all of this kind of here and there bits and pieces So check out that playlist if you need help on the spring But it's as simple as creating the account start designing and upload your designs And then that's basically it so the spring is the first one and then there are three others and what's awesome is all of these are non-exclusive So when you create that design once you can upload it to all four of these and you'll get four times the exposure and get More sales naturally just because of it. So the second one is merged by Amazon This is the only one where you actually have to request an invitation It's really not that hard and most people get accepted, but you just have to go through here And hit request invitation will take about five minutes to input information And once you're approved then you can upload all your designs right there So merge by Amazon is actually Amazon's version of print on demand So a lot of items and shirts that you find on Amazon are actually through this merch by Amazon So there's no physical product yet until you order it then they print it and ship it to you and its prime too So it'll be there in like two days. So that's the second one merch by Amazon and then there's red bubble So red bubble is another really big one where you really don't have to do anything to get sales just upload your designs and upload A lot of them and basically the rest will be done for you. You'll just get emails that say oh you made a sale Here's how much you made and red Bubble is pretty interesting because both merch by Amazon and teespring are basically focused on clothing but the red bubble is focused on artwork But then they also have clothing So as you see there is clothing here But most of this is going to be the artwork and different stickers and more geared around actual artwork But the concept stays the same you upload that same design and you choose what kind of items that can be printed on? so what it's offered on and that's basically the only difference is there are different types of items you can print on red bubble. And then the last one is t chip This is a smaller one 

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But still, a pretty reputable one so you can upload the same designs here just to get some more sales from it This one's very similar to teespring as you know when one company is having a lot of success You always have the copycats if you will, but that works for us because it's just more exposure and more sales So those are the four for print on demand and all you have to do here is use those Designing apps to create your designs and then upload them to the four of these and you're basically set you can get more advanced with This creating storefronts and advertising it as a brand or company, but that's in this video If you do want to watch it, you don't need to do all this to get sales That's only if you want to take this a step further as a beginner I recommend Just creating a bunch of designs Uploading it to all four of these and then literally forgetting about it because you won't have to touch anything again and moving on to What we're about to talk about next. Okay. So what are we going to talk about next? This is the third one This is affiliate marketing so don't let that scare you that sounds a little bit crazy and Intimidating but affiliate marketing is just like that eBay --tz-- we talked about at the beginning where you're just referring someone to a product and this works best on products that you've previously used and you do like so as we Get into this and you start looking further into this My biggest tip is just only referred products that you know And you use and you like it'll do a lot of good things for you in that way Nothing's backfiring on you by referring bad products So there are two ways that you can do affiliate marketing Especially for beginners one is on YouTube and two is on your own website so what this is typically is through Amazon's affiliate program and you become an affiliate of Amazon and then you can refer people to any Product on Amazon and whatever they buy even if it's just your product plus a bunch of other things You get a commission

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 you get a split on whatever they purchased So it's anywhere from one to ten percent of whatever they ordered on Amazon Will go right to you and what I love about this is even if they go to look at the product you were referring them To and then they don't buy it But then they end up buying something different like they buy a vacuum cleaner for three hundred dollars You will actually get the commission on that vacuum cleaner because you were the one who initially drove them to Amazon and it gives them 24 hours from when they use your link to refer them to Amazon to buy anything on Amazon So within that 24 hours anything they buy on Amazon you will get commission So it is kind of cool even if they don't buy your product that you referred them to Amazon on but they buy something else You will still get paid from Amazon. So let's jump in the computer and kind of show you what I mean here So, this is Amazon Associates. This is Amazon's affiliate program. And again, you just have to apply here Very simple only takes about five minutes and it's not a very intimidating application process It's very simple If you need a video on this I've got two videos on this that I'll link in the description then I'll also put up in the corner and I'm going to put Them up in a corner in a minute, not yet and I'm gonna explain why so if you're thinking about affiliate marketing This is kind of the first step here is you just apply here. And again, it's completely free There is no risk to this It just gives you a special link that you can refer people to Amazon for and you can refer them to specific Products on Amazon not just to the overall Amazon page. So then the two ways that you can really do. This is on YouTube So as you can see, you can type in headphones and you get reviews of products, and as you can see they all have a review of the product and then they have their link here all of these links where it says like here you Can go buy the headphones right here They're all

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 Amazon affiliate links and that way when you go and you watch this review and you like those headphones You click and go to Amazon now anything you buy on Amazon within 24 hours? The person who made the video is going to get a commission now it is helpful It's a win-win you're directing them straight to exactly the product that you are Reviewing and that way they don't have to go to Amazon try to find it and hope that it's the right one that you were just reviewing. So it is a win-win it cost them nothing extra and you get a commission for reviewing it So the first way is here on YouTube so you can create a video View of whatever that product is and then you can put your Amazon affiliate link in the description now That's a good way if you're comfortable on camera, but if you're not comfortable on camera You can create your own website and then you can just type out the reviews So this is a good example and this one actually has a video review in it, but you don't need it You just need a photo of the product that you're reviewing and then you put your Amazon links where you can buy it in black or gold with there's different colors and then you just write about the product what the pros are what the cons are now this is A long post here, so it doesn't have to be this long But this is a really good example And you're just writing about the pros writing about the cons and you'll find a lot of this information in the reviews of the actual product on Amazon So if you don't have this product actually in your house or somewhere that you can review it You can go through all of the reviews on Amazon and find out what people are really saying and condense that into one post on Your site and then you can have multiple different reviews So then you can review all different types of products and keep it on a niche So a single niche now I know that's a little bit confusing but like this website is called recording and it's about music gear so headphones for music so that's the niche it's all about headphones and that way when someone types in headphone reviews or something similar on google this Website will come up and then people can go and find out what headphones are best for them They use your Amazon affiliate link and they go purchase it or purchase anything else and you will get a commission Now this is where I wanted to put the two links here So there's two ways you can make your own website you either use WordPress to make your website Which is about 30 percent of the websites on the internet or you use Wix to create your website now I have tutorials on both of these first. I'm going to link up the WordPress tutorial up top here So if you're interested in that you can bookmark that one now The big thing is both of these you're gonna have to pay every month But I recommend just buying a year and giving it a shot if it doesn't pay for itself, then don't continue But WordPress is a little bit cheaper. However, it's harder to use So if you haven't used WordPress before if you're not good at making websites it might be a little bit more difficult for you to make it but that's the WordPress tutorial now if you are brand new to making a website Wix is definitely the option. That's why I made a separate tutorial on how to do it with Wix So that's going to be linked here granted It's a couple extra dollars per month But it is so simple to make a website if you have no experience making a website at all This tutorial will walk you through exactly step by step how to make your Wix website for affiliate Kidding so you can make what we were just looking at and make it look really good with no experience making a sight But if you're going to go the route of making a niche affiliate marketing website to review products like that Those are the two best options

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 WordPress and Wix so I'm gonna link those down in the description as well But if you click that little icon up there it'll show all the videos that I've been referring to and you can watch them there So the last thing for affiliate marketing is if you don't want to spend any money and you're comfortable being on camera you can do It all on YouTube just like that and you don't need to have a big following to get started You can just review products and put them out there and have your affiliate link in the description if you're not comfortable being on camera And you're willing to put a couple dollars into this upfront. Just do it as a test Don't expect anything and if it pays for itself over maybe even a couple of times over in the first year then you can continue doing It but it's really not all that hard And all you have to do is type out reviews of these products and put it on a really good-looking website so guys that is everything for this video that covers the Ebates that covers print-on-demand and it covers affiliate marketing if you're a beginner trying To make money online don't even worry about going to Google and trying to figure all of this out No one's going to tell you in a straightforward way. Like I just did that's how you need to start There are no big learning curves. And the big thing is you can be anyone to do this. You don't need any special skills No certifications. It's very simple. All you have to do is put it into action I think this is perfect for beginners and I really hope that you guys Appreciated this it saved you time and if you did like it, feel free to subscribe to this channel There's more stuff coming like this you give this video a thumbs up. I would appreciate that Do you have any questions about all suggestions? You need details anything leave it down in the comments? I'm always reviewing those so I'll get back to you pretty quickly with an answer. Alright, guys, that's it I hope you guys enjoyed this, and I'll see you in the next one 


Make 1000$ per month online Doing this.

 Make 1000$ per month online Doing This.

you are going to learn this simple path to making $1,000 per month online. This is completely beginner-friendly and most importantly, this path will lead you to $3,000 a month online, $10,000 a month online, and beyond. How do I know my wife and I have made millions of dollars online and ultimately we've executed this path multiple times for multiple brands and it works every single time. So I want to save you years that it took me trial and error by giving you a quick summation of how this works. The first thing you need to know is the overarching philosophy of why this works. Because billions of people each and every month are searching to improve their lives. They're searching to buy things or they'researching 'to buy services that they believe are going to improve their lives. Okay, so where are we searching? Well, like youtube or Google,

 generally speaking, sure, there's some searching that goes on in other places, but generally, people searching on youtube and Google are closest to being ready to click that buy button. And to purchase that thing they think will help them improve their lives. So what are these things that improve our lives? We've got to kind of break these up into two categories. I've got some examples down here on a notepad, so I'm gonna look down and read a few of those off. But the first idea is things. Okay. So we live in a consumerist type of society. We've all been programmed through television programming to believe that things are going to make us feel better. Right? Commercials. That's the goal of commercials is to help us think that things will make us feel better. So what kinds of things? Well, I've got a big property here and my lawn was getting out of control. So there was a moment when I thought that a lawnmower and a weed wacker would make me feel better cause I could mow the lawn and make it look better. Indeed, it worked and it was great. How did I know what lawnmower to get? Did I choose gas? Did I choose electricity? I googled and Youtube for this. So this is kind of the basics of how it works. So other ideas? Um, a VR headset is something I've purchased/recently. Uh, blenders, vacuum cleaners, makeup graphics, Card Tools, Jack stands, camping gear, tents, sleeping bags. 

This list goes on forever. I mean Amazon has millions of physical things that people can and do purchase and sometimes it goes to home security. It goes to a smart home. It's the nest, it's them, the ring doorbell. I mean it just goes in so many directions. It's absolutely crazy. And we'll talk about how to figure out what direction is best for you in a minute. Then there's the other side of things. Some people are searching for results. Okay. They want a different result or a new outcome in their lives. So they might be searching for how to lose10 pounds. A business owner might be searching for how to rank on Google or they might search for how to get more leads for my business. Okay. An individual who has a mortgage, they've got last year at about 5% might be right now searching, how do I save money on my mortgage? Or how do I refinance my mortgage? Okay. Because they expect they're going to get about what they like. And if you're a mortgage broker, there might be a 1500 to $2,000 commission in there for you. Um, massages, got some sore shoulders, sore neck, uh, people might search for massages, they might search for Chiropractors, some point people will search for dentists' work, et Cetera. Um, how to get more leads, how to get ripped, how to get dates, how to cure acne. This list also goes on and on and on for damn-near ever. Okay? So people search for those two types of things. And if you're like, well, miles, but a house is- a thing. It's like, yeah, but it's a little bit more of a process. And generally speaking, we need an individualism between us to broker that deal and make that deal happen for most people. Okay. So those are the two ideas. You're going to sell things, you're going to sell services now, things are going to offer you a little lower income. Okay. Your commissions on selling a tent on selling a VR headset, et cetera. It's not yours. You don't stock it. Don't worry. We'll talk about that. That's probably going to be in the range of$50 now it could be 20 it could be two to $300 but I'm just choosing 50 as a round number, so we can base some math off of it and see exactly what it takes on the other side of the service, that's probably going to bring in about $500 okay. If you know how to help a business owner rank number one on Google, because you know SEO, you could probably make $500 a month from one person. So if you're making $500 a month, you need two people per month to make $1,000 per month. If you sell houses, you're probably making more than that and you probably need one deal or less per month to make your thousand dollars per month. Okay, so there's this math side of it and then selling the things. Generally speaking as an affiliate because this is getting down the road of affiliate marketing.

 You're going to take between five and 15%commissions on physical, tangible things. Now, the cool thing about tangible things the volume and the ease of purchase. Okay. A real estate deal usually takes weeks if not months of searching and then it's a 30 to 45-day process to get the actual deal all the way to closing. So it can be a long process for someone, but selling a tent for someone who's ready to go camping next weekend and they want it to show up on prime this weekend and they're looking for the best tent for cold weathering. That is a massive opportunity to get lots and lots of sales so you can replace volume with high-ticket. They're interchangeable again to sales at$500 commission a month for you as your thousand dollars a month. Or if you're getting $50 commissions, that's $ 20 sales per month. So it's one every other week versus a, what would that be, five per week. So it's almost every day that now billions of people are searching for things to buy or services to obtain that will help them improve their lives is the overarching theory. Your job is to use content marketing and to use content—ultimately to connect them with what they ultimately want. Now, if you don't have a service that you're reoffering, you're going to go down the path of affiliate marketing.

 I have the training, specific free training,100% free training on affiliate marketing. It's a full hour masterclass link will be below. I'll have it pop up above my head. And the theory here is that people like me are searching. So a real-world example, that just happened this last week. Um, I purchased a VR headset, I'm into subtracting. I like that. It's like racing simulators, you know, its kinda like a driving game, but it's, it's very realistic if you will. So I was searching for the best VR headset for Sim racing. And you know what, not one person had a definitive post or video that said this is the best of the best for you. Therefore, I didn't take anyone's individual/recommendation in that world. But when I was searching for my lawn Mower,I was searching for a quiet lawn mower for large lawns with hills. That was specifically what I searched for, and there's literally like riding lawnmowers for there are all these sites dedicated to my exact situation because we're all searching in specifics. They call this a long-tail keyword phrase that is what this is. So I was searching specifically for a quiet-lawn mower for hills and large properties and I found a very specific electric lawnmower and I ended up buying it and someone ended up getting a commission when I purchased that because I didn't want to go to the store and back to get it. I wanted it dropped off two days later and someone made a 10% commission on my $400 purchase. Okay. They made about 40 bucks on that. So that's how the game works. Then let's talk about the tactics, right? What are those things you need to learn, those specific skills you need to build in order to do this? And then we'll talk about the full numbers on how to get to 1000 bucks a month in a second. So there are three main skills you're going to have to learn. And the best part is I teach all of these for forever here on my channel.

 Number one is keyword research. To me, this is the most important skill because when people are searching for those things that are they think are going to improve their lives, they're using keywords. Google is based on keywords. Youtube is based on keywords and if you title your post the exact same way that I'm searching for, it has a really good chance of ranking. Example. What is the best VR headset for Sim racing? No one made that exact post. It's a keyword phrase. I searched for it, it gets volume. It's a real thing, but no one did this level of research, therefore no one ranked for this. Therefore no one helped me get what I wanted and I had to find another route to obtain that thing that I wanted. Make sense? Had someone written this exact post and made a very comprehensive-argument and showed me how they detailed and did the research and came to a conclusion that this was the one I would've clicked and bought it and I would have had it here earlier because I spent hours researching instead of trusting someone's kind of a recommendation. Number two's search engine optimization. This is the idea of what do you do with the keyword? How do you lay the keyword out? How do you lay your page out? How do you set up your youtube video so that it's optimized for said keyword? Again, I've got a free SEO video to a two-hour master class that shows you everything you need to know about an SEO link that'll begin the description and then finally has content. You've got to create content.

 Whether you're creating videos like these, or whether you're writing blog posts, you have to actually create content. I've got a video that says how that shows you how to create content fast. That ranks well on Google. Um, it teaches you like a really cool trick to, to kind of let Google tell you what it wants you to write in your posts. Um, obviously that links down there. So back to the overarching idea that people are searching for, billions of people are searching for things that they want. You have the ability to either partner with physical things or if you're a professional and you have a service, you can collect leads and you can essentially use content to meet those people searching for you and help them get what they want. Okay. The tactical things we need to do our keyword research, search engine optimization, and content marketing. Well, then the question is how much content/does it take? Right? How long is this going to take? For my wife and me, it took many years. It took about five years for us to really get to that lifestyle income number. We're now 10 years in on that business and the numbers are absolutely astounding on this most recent brand and Miles- Beckler brand, it took me about a year to a year and a half to really gain traction and get up over that$10,000 per month mark. I had been doing it my second time. I can tell you firsthand that it's a lot easier the second time than it was the first time, regardless of whether it takes you one year, three years, five years, even 10 years, is it worth it for you to literally make more than 98% of people in your country and to have the lifestyle freedom that allows you to work when you want, from where you want, how you want, with who you want. It's pretty amazing and it's worth it at all costs. But again, I want to give you specific numbers we can have an idea of how this might work. Let's say you do your keyword research and you write 100 excellent search engine optimized posts that are focused on a specific keyword that's based on my keyword research videos. Okay? You did a hundred of them a hundred times over. If you did one per week, that's about two years. If you do two per week, you should be like, get this done in about a year. Okay? So if you, you're a hundred posts on average get 40 visits per month. This means they're getting on average just over one visit per day per post, which is very conservative and odds are you're going to have one or two out of this that really, really take off and get hundreds and hundreds of visits per month. So that means you're getting 4,000 visits per month to your website on average if you get a 0.2% conversion, right? That's 20% of 1%; 0.2 is less than half a percent. Very, very small conversion rate.

 But if you get a 0.2 conversion rate, you will make 20 sales. And if you're getting a $50 commission on each/one of those sales that you put through right there, you have set yourself up to make your first thousand dollars per month. And the cool part is you now have the skills, you know how to do keyword research, you know how to publish content regularly. You know how to optimize content regularly. You've gone through the motions and you've gotten your first checks in the mail and then it becomes real and this is where it gets exciting because at this point you want to go all-in and you want to find what worked. What are the search engines rank for you? Where are you getting most of your traffic and you want to do more of what is proving to work? Of that hundred posts that you put out, the 80/ 20 rule will take over. 80% of them won't do much. 20% of what you do is going to really carry the lion's share of the sales and the lion's share of that traffic. So you go in, you analyze what worked, and you go do more of what worked. This is the path of how you can go from bootstrapping your way with purchasing, nothing hosting, which is what my wife and I started with. It was $95 and 40 cents for one year of hosting and a domain name. We used free WordPress themes and we just used content, content, content to grow our business that is now made millions of dollars online. I know you can do it.

 The Path is proven. There are billions of people searching for their specific needs and sometimes we find content. Other times we don't. You might think that the VR niche is saturated. You maybe don't know anything about VR. There's a lot of gamers making a lot of videos about VR and here I am looking for the right VR headset for me in my exact situation, my exact world, not one post showed up. There is opportunity all over the place and the cool part is you can find a niche that at least intrigues you, that you find interesting, that you find curious. Maybe you love camping and you're like, man, that'd be Kinda cool to go out and test new gear and talk about the different camp Nuysthat you've used and the camp stoves and the hatchets and the tents, and all of the different things that you've used. Maybe you hate camping and you love beauty/products and fashion products, right? You can find these things that are, that you enjoy and you can turn that into a really cool way to share your knowledge, to kinda through a tax deduction and go purchase new things, try new things, research new things, play with new things, write about new things. It can create a really cool lifestyle business. And on that note, I want to share that I have a series of videos—that's going to teach you how to choose your niche. Again, 100% free. If you haven't noticed a pattern, everything on this channel is free. I'm not going to pitch you a paid course here at all. So, um, that video will be linked to below. And that's really the next step. If you're like, this is great, I love it. You need to choose that area of the world that you're ready to go all-in, it could be sim racing, could be lawnmowers, could be a weed, whackers, it could be kitchen equipment, it could be kitchen a, whatever it is. It needs to be a little bit of a reflection of your business, of your life, not business. It needs to be a reflection of your life and your interests or what you have an affinity for and that video tutorial will walk you all the way through. I have a free course if you're interested in the free course is how I went from side-hustle to million-dollar business. It's a seven-step process.

 It kind of covers a lot of what we covered here with a bit more in-depth and it links you in order to my videos that will help you kinda understand each of those skills that you need to build. That will pop up like a little book on the end screen video above links below. Thank you. I hope this makes sense. If you have questions, that's what the comments are for how, give me a thumbs up if you enjoyed it like it hit the bell. I got more videos like this coming out and I know you can do it, so get started. That's the most important thing for you to do is ultimately get started. Publish your first piece of content, get hosting, get going, get rolled, and put up your first video. You'll be amazed at what you create the patient with yourself and stay focused on giving value to those billions of people who are searching. Okay? That's our job as digital marketers, we give value to others first and we're compensated through giving great value through those commissions, we get on the other end. I know you can do it.


Make 100$ per day online in 2020

 Make 100$ per day online in 2020

 $100 per day so you can have your notifications looking like this. So making $100 a day, $400-500 really the sky's the limit and with these eight websites I'm going to show you today that you could be on your way to generating $100 or more per day in 2020. So the first step that you're going to want to do is- you didn't think it was that easy, I wasn't going to just give it to you right off. My name is Marissa, welcome to the channel and in today's video, as I mentioned, we're going to talk about 8 really amazing websites. I just wanted to make one thing clear, is that none of these websites are just magical you're not going to poof, press a button, do a couple clicks, and then a hundred bucks a day is going to just show up in your bank account. Most of them will take some up-front effort. So I wanted to make that clear because that I've been able to generate online has not been something as simple as that. It has taken effort, it has taken time and persistence, but it is beyond worth it. So without further ado, please be sure to take notes on this video, there's some good ones on here, and we're starting right now. 


So the first website is Amazon Kindle publishing. This is where you become an author of a book, and you write and publish a book and you publish it and upload it on and the great thing about it is that Amazon promotes it for you, It hosts the book for you. You do get paid 70% of the sales when you upload it. Amazon will promote it, they will host the book for you on the website, and people can go on to the website and give it reviews. And so Amazon is really great at recommending books and sending more and more traffic, as time goes on, to these books. And so realistically how much can you make? Well I know you're probably thinking "Wellbooks don't really cost that much on Amazon," but let's say that your book cost around $15. So if you make 10 sales a day, that is $100per day online. And so that's just with Amazon promoting your book, imagine if you used your social media accounts to promote your book and you handsome outside efforts running traffic to this book, now there's people I know that are really good at Kindle publishing and make six figures doing just this so it's definitely something you should look into. Me, personally, I'm going to look into publishing my first book with Kindle publishing on Amazon.


 Just think about it like this: Once you write the book, edit it and publish it, that work is done and that book now becomes passive income on this website. And so even if you made one sale per day ,that's approximately $210-$220 per month and you don't have to do anything else. And not only that, you're building up your credibility as an author, you're expanding your audience and more people are getting a lot out of your book. Alright, so the second website where you can really crush it online is Kartra. Now Katra is an online business platform ,let me clarify that right now, and so with online business you are going to need online business tools and Kartra definitely has it all. It has email marketing, sales funnels. And you might be thinking "How do you make money with it?" There's so many ways to make money with Kartra ,I am actually an affiliate for Katra, so I consistently make a sale maybe once every other day. And so when I make a sale that's a 30% commission that I received for making that sale. So affiliate marketing is a great way as well to make $100 a day online. So I make affiliate sales from promoting Karter Because I use it myself. It's a great business tool. It's really a game-changer for the way I make money online and in my business. And so the other way you can make money by creating your own products with Katra.


 You can create your own membership site, you can create your own services, whatever you want. Let's say you're a coach and you could create a sales funnel before a coaching funnel where you collect people's information, you have an application, they could book directly through Katra and onto your calendar and pay you. You could set up a product and you can set up a payment plan or a plan to collect payments for your coaching, or really any other type of service you want to offer. And so, as you can see, this week last quarter for selling my own services I made $4,500 and that was awesome. And it was with the power of Katra, becauseI was able to offer a product which was hosted on Kartra. And so I know that those sales to my services are only going to grow massively in 2020. And so the other ways you can make money with Ketra is it has its own affiliate marketplace, and it's own marketplace where you can have your own products. So kind of like if you've heard of ClickBank,it's very similar to Katra. If you go into their market place, you can see products that are being sold and you can put your own digital products on there and affiliates can promote your products. And then, of course, as I mentioned with having your own membership site, you can have your own digital products on Kartra and so I hada course last year where I sold it for $197. So if I make 11 sales, because I would make11 sales on average per month, I mean that's $2,100 easy per month that I'm making for just creating the course one time so that really is the power of Katra. There's, I just named, like six different ways to make money with it. If you are interested in checking it out and having a 2-week free trial, or no, I think it's $1 but they don't even charge your credit card. You can check out my affiliate link below,I do get credit but also I offer some amazing bonuses with it including done-for-you funnels,email swipes, all the information will be in the description below. Okay still coming in at number three is the stock market. And so people kind of are like "eww," when they hear the term the stock market, but it is something that I am highly interested in this year and I'm going to focus on, and I will actually be documenting some of my investment journeys this year on my YouTube channel. But the way the stock market works is there's kind of two ways to make money from it. You can invest into dividend paying stocks,which is a company that will pay out dividends either at the end of the year or quarterly. It just depends, and those dividends can range from either 1%-6% return. So they give you that amount back depending on the amount of the you invested with them at the end of the year or quarterly however they do it. And the second way to make money with stocks is selling your stocks. So assuming that you did your research and you pick good stocks to invest in, after a certain amount of time you can sell those stocks and make profit from the difference between how much you bought it and how much you sold them for


. And so as a matter of fact, the third richest man in the world, Warren Buffett, he is a huge huge fan of dividend paying stocks and his favorite dividend paying stocks are Heinz, Wells Fargo, and General Motors. So you're welcome, that research is already done for you. So definitely consider the stock market. So my fourth website for making $100 per day,or more actually, way more than $100 per day, YouTube. And so YouTube is a platform full of money-making opportunities. I can't say this enough, I'll say this till the day I die, I'm all black and blue in the face, YouTube is just a gold mine of money and people don't realize that and they get scared to get on camera and create their own content and to get intimidated I get it, I get it. There's creators out there with millions and millions of subscribers and it could be an intimidating thing to start and that's why if you guys are starting a channel from brand new or interested in doing it, I have a subscriber to sales blueprint which, if you're brand new, it's perfect for you because it's my six step guide on how I created a wildly profitable six-figure YouTube business and how you cando it too. And so I recently created a video on my channel about making $100 a day on YouTube without creating any videos. You guys love this video,It's got a lot of views, I just published It 2 months ago. I was thinking, it was such a hit, of making a part two on, if you really are camera shy, how you can create videos that are amazing videos that you don't even have to edit or create them or anything or get in front of the camera. If you're interested in me making that videogo ahead in the comments, type in YouTube part 2 because it is a really, really cool idea that I have and you guys are going to love it. Really, there's so many ways to capitalize on SEO and organic traffic from a YouTube channel, even if you have a small channel you can still make six figures. That's what I try to tell people because you're putting out information and content on this platform that people are already searching for, and so when they come to your videos, naturally, whatever you want to promote orso, you can put those links in the description of your videos, and most of the time ,depending on the offer or service, that will become passive income. I mean check out my ad revenue, my GoogleAdSense ad revenue because my channel is monetized and a part of the YouTube partnership program,I forget what time frame it'll show in this clip, but I mean.


 I went from $177 a day to200 to 300, you know all the way up to $698 per day that I made just from the YouTubeplatform. That is bananas, but it is very possible. I just started this channel less than two years ago and I strongly believe that becoming a YouTube Creator is a profitable online business that anyone can start, it doesn't matter If you're an introvert, you are shy, or any of those things, anyone could do it, trust me. And coming in at number 5 is Etsy. Etsy is E-Commerce and I'm someone who didShopify and DropShipping, and all that over two years ago and that was hard, and a lot of times I lost money. I would lose $100 per day, right? But with Etsy, I would totally do Etsy ifI was to do e-commerce again, because one of my girlfriends, her name's Hannah, she has a store called Views and Co is she is crushing it, crushing it, crushing it, crushingit on Etsy making $500 to $1,500 a day. I mean, she's earned it. She did a lot of work on the branding of herstore and getting her manufacturers and the products.The products she sells are a lot of jewelry and purses and really cute stuff. But she's done a lot of great research on where she gets her products and making sure that they're high-quality but she's telling me like, "Yeah, Etsy is a gold mine." It's because you don't have to deal with Facebookads and Facebook taking your money and shutting down your ad account and all of this stuff,and so Etsy is awesome, and it's not just stuff for girls and women.


 I mean, I have a cousin as well who is making these little wooden products, I mean I'm not going to give away his idea, but we were driving not too long ago and he's like "Just made an Etsy sale, Uhp just made an Etsy sale." So if you could think of a way to get products in an online store, or if you have a craft that you like or like to make things, you could really get it poppin on the Etsy website, let me tell you. Alright, so coming in at website number sixis Textbroker. What I like about textbroker is it's for writers,if you enjoy writing. So basically you would get paid to write and you would be writing content for businesses or other solopreneur individuals, entrepreneurs who need content written for their business. And so you would go to their website and you would sign up on their website, and register, create your profile and, in the beginning,you start out with a lower payment because you are a brand new, but as your reviews get better and as you become a better writer you get a 5-star rating. So your rating goes through zero stars all the way up to five. Those writers that have a 5-star rating, Ithink they can make up to $0.05 per word, which might not sound like a lot. However, it is kind of a lot when you think about writing an article of 2,000 words. So if you are a 5-star writer and you make $0.05a word, that is $100. And so if you could write a 2000 word article per day, and make $100 a day.


 I think it is very doable. I mean, I've written that really fast, within two and a half hours, so I think that's a great deal. So if you are in the writing space and you enjoy it, definitely check out Textbroker to make some money online. Alright, so the 7th site where you can make$100 per day or more is Snapwire. And you can do this by selling your photos online. So before you complain "Ahh Marissa, I'veheard this before, to sell your photos and videos online," but really, hear me out on this one. So if you go to snapwire, you can make custom visuals and earn money doing what you love, if you're a creator, this is how it works. There's two ways to earn and succeed, you can do requests and challenges or portfolio and marketplace. So a request is where business creators have competitions for a style or particular photo they're looking at and if you win the challenge you make full profit from that challenge, and if you do it the other way, you basically have all your photos set up in a portfolio and in a marketplace and as people find them,you make 50% of the conditions from selling them through Snapwire and so, as it says,you get 100% of the profit for requests and challenges and 50% on the marketplace. And so if we go over here to careers and soif you check out the marketplace and all these beautiful photos, you can kind of get an idea of what some type of images would be worth, like for this photo in a large, a person would pay $100, and that's if they bought a large, that's $50 for you. 


So if you sold a couple of photos per day, that's awesome. And so being on Snap wire, the traffic and the promotion is taken care of and you get a really great commission for content that you like to produce and for something, I would imagine, that you're already doing, with taking photos. So, coming in at number eight is Retail Arbitrage. So this isn't a specific website, but let me explain how this works. And this is pure, good old hustle, where you could do this anywhere you live. You would essentially get good at thrifting ,so this means going to thrift stores, going to Goodwill, to different types of flea markets ,looking around on the Facebook Marketplace, looking at apps like Offer Up on your phone. So you can check out with these stores and marketplaces have and see what's for sale. Because a lot of times, there's some real hidden treasures in there that you can resell for more, and so you could resell them on websites like eBay, Amazon, and if you're into fashion, you can sell them on Posh mark. There's people killing it, making money on Posh mark alone, and I just recently talked about this in the video, but there's Posh markers out there making anywhere from $1,000 to $4,000 a month selling used fashion clothes on this website. Retail arbitrage is a real way to make $100per day online. Gary V talks about this in his episodes of Trash Talk, where he goes around to different garage sales and does the same thing. Gets old stuff from people's garage sales and he resells them for profit. And so the other cool things you can download are free app like Profit Bandit, where if you were to scan the barcode of something

you could see how much it is selling for on Amazon, so that is really cool. So you can determine how much you want to buy it for or maybe bargain to buy it for less. So if you've picked up a thing or two, if you're liking this video, give it a like, give it a thumbs up, join the family if you haven't already, subscribe to the channel and I guarantee you if you're liking this video, you will certainly like this video right here, which is called "Best Work fromHome Jobs in 2020" and that starts right now. Now this past year I lived in six different countries and traveled to over 12 different cities, and that would not have been possible if I did not have the ability to work from home, from my internet connection and my laptop.


How can we sell our phone pictures on Internet and make huge Money ?

 Sell pictures!

How can we sell our phone pictures on internet and make huge Money in 2020

Frist of all which site you can sell your pictures its link in the Enter Button.

Make sure click on it.

Sutter stock

 I have been shooting stocks since 2007 and if you look at my portfolio, you will see that I have about 13,000 photos there. In those years, they are rare 5 very important key steps I kept doing over and over and over again to get more sales and bring more passive income. And today I thought it would be a very good idea to talk about those steps. I've been making videos about stock here on YouTube for a while now. And I've been reading all your comments, I've been always responding and I've been reading comments such as my photos are not good. I am not selling anything. I have uploaded my photos to Shutter stock 2 months ago and I keep uploading but I don't see any sales. I got ta say I ready do understand and I hear you. First of all, if you upload photos to stock, their library is so huge ,it will sometimes take it even 3 months before you start seeing your first sales from that set you just uploaded. And just like any other YouTuber here, YouTuber says about YouTube. It's a marathon not a sprint. The same thing applies about stock. It's a marathon. It's not a sprint. If you just take some random photos with camera or phone or whatever you've got, upload it to stock and you think that overnight you're gonna generate income ,you will be very, very disappointed. 

You have to take it as a job. You have to be willing to work hard, upload constantly and you mainly have to be willing to improve on daily basis. And these words my friends are taking me to step number1. Master one thing, never stop learning, always improve and become a perfectionist. Now, I know I've said a lot of words here, but they all really are combined together. When I started taking photos for stock, I was a terrible photographer. Terrible photographer. I had no idea what I was doing. I didn't knowhow use camera at all, I had no idea what to shoot. I didn't understand what stock market really wants. Just take a look at my first photos. I had it on automatic mode, I was just snapping photos around and I thought that you know I'm taking photos and I'm gonna be selling it. Obviously, they were zero commercial value. I didn't sell anything. Those photos were not sellable. Because of my modeling background, naturally, I started taking photos of other models. I felt comfortable with it. That's what I really wanted and that became my niche, my direction in photography

I started looking at other stock photos of models. I started studying them. What is it, that those photos sell? From my own rejections I was getting better and better because I had to get better. I was learning. I was improving in order to get accepted. Andover the years, I'm the photographer I am today and here are the photos I shoot these days. I rarely get any rejection and these photos sell. Every one of you.. even you, you..... think. What do you like to photograph the most? Did you just say anything? Narrow it down. Is it people? Is it pets? Is it nature? Is it objects? What is it? That one thing or two things will become your niche and study that niche. Type it into Shutter  stock. See what sells and just study those photos and think. Do your photos look like those photos there? If the answer is no, then definitely there is room for improvement. You need to improve. But that should not stop you from uploading right now. That should not stop you at all. Practice makes perfect. You will improve as you go and you will start seeing sales. Once you master that 1 niche, then you can get another. The worst thing you can do though is try to copy somebody else's top selling photo. Why?

 The chances are, it is not good look good at all. How many times I'  people trying to copy my flower splash shot. How many times I've seen people trying to copy the same blue-eyed baby shot I did. The same blanket, the same pose, everything. It never looked that good. The best thing would be to just let go. Be creative, come up with something new and unique. You will come up eventually with your own top-selling shot. Don't you think I tried it too when I was starting out? Guilty. I tried to copy too and i tnever never looked the same. It was never the best photo, it just never looked great. Step number 2. Trends come and go. Fashion. What's popular these days will be probably forgotten in next few years. Technology. What is hot popular trendy today will be old tomorrow. So when you are taking photos of models and you're picking their outfits, try to use something very general looking. Something which is timeless. Nothing really fancy and popular. The same thing applies to technology. If you're taking photo of a model holding a phone, just use some generic looking phone. Don't use a very trendy phone. If you're shooting stock for a very long time, you can shoot for sure something trendy here and there to kind of pop your sales. The buyers usually if you have one very popular photo will look at the rest of your portfolio and possibly pull up more  photos from you.

 But if you only shoot trendy photos, your sales will look  ...... If you shoot timeless photos, your sales will look like this.....and that's what you want. Step number 3. Authenticity, real expressions and real models. Authenticity has never been more requested ever like now. No more fake stuff. Do you remember those commercials when they were just kind of like doing the full smile and just selling stuff? Well, that's gone. Just look at TV commercials. Look at the people they are using. Look at how they are acting. Look at their faces, their skin tones, their hair color. When you're casting models for stock, they should not look like a supermodels. They should be just very generic looking people with friendly face and beautiful smile. It will also depend on the scene shooting. Here is a perfect example. I wanted to photograph a woman in the kitchen so I just grabbed a model. Well, the photos don't sell. Why? She doesn't look like a cook. She doesn't really belong to that scene. She's also more of a fashion model in the face, so that's why they don't sell. And then I called my friend, which is a cook. Well, she's a chef. She's an amazing cook. She loves to cook. Let's take a look at her photos. Her photo sold well and still sell. Let's compare both women. My friend was the better casting choice. She's authentic and real. When you pose your models, don't be afraid of doing real acting, real expressions. And not just the positive expressions. Negative expressions sell really well as well.

 Step number 4. Recreate your own top-selling photos. Whenever you get a photo which sells, which kind of pops, study it. What is it about that photo that really sells? Is it the model? Is the location? Is it the lighting? What is it about that photo? Make more of those. Maybe change something little. Add something extra, shoot the whole set. Here's another example. I took a photo with the splashes right and it started selling well, so next thing I took all kinds of flowers of different colors, took photos of them added the splashes and I created the very big set. Or I took photos of a model to yoga. It sold well so we shot more yoga. Step number 5. Keep simple, be bold. Lose the clutter, make it very, very simple. Make sure, that the message comes out very clear of the photo. For example. If I'm taking photo of a person's face and I want to show an expression I zoom in close on the face to show the expression. Or if I am taking photo of a relationship of a mom and daughter, I choose very simple kind of generic background because I want that relationship to pop from the photo. If you keep doing those five steps over over over again you will be on a way of generating your own passive PJ income. If you would like to learn more about stock photography I included links to all my other stock videos in a video description below so please check them out. Give it a thumbs up if you liked today's video, subscribe to all future videos. If you have any questions, comments, want to say hello or may be suggest a topic for the next future video please do so in a comment section below. I always read them all and I always respond. Thank you very much and I'll see you in the next one... 


How to make money on YouTube?

 How to make money on YouTube?

 Hey there! These days, YouTube has more than 1.8 billion users, and those are only the people who get logged in! No wonder this platform is one of the world's most successful and popular services ever! But it's not enough to upload just any video to start your own YouTube channel and make the grade. You need to know several vital points that’ll help you get started, and earn good money at that! 1. One of the most crucial steps you should make before creating your own channel is to plan your content. It should be engaging and interesting. Plus, the more people can relate to it, the more they’ll click on your videos and watch them till the end. 2. The best idea is to make videos about something that’s trendy at the moment. This way, more people will click on them. At the same time, 

How many views to make money on YouTube?

you have to find your own original content – don’t copy the ideas of other vloggers. 3. Once you've chosen one theme for your channel, try to stick to it. For example, if the main concept of your channel is traveling, a make-up tutorial might not be too interesting for your audience. 4. Choose a unique, catchy, and easy-to-remember name for your channel that will also describe your content. 5. Pay particular attention to the profile picture- it should be clear and eye-drawing. 6. If your goal is to monetize your videos, make sure they don't mention controversial topics, for example, politics, or tragic events. Also, avoid inappropriate language and hateful content. Check out certain "trigger" words which will make YouTube demonetize your video. Spoiler: these words may sound entirely innocent at first glance! 7. Remember that there will be times when you'll find it hard to come up with new ideas for your videos. No need to fret - even the most experienced vloggers occasionally run into the same problem. Make it a habit to write down all the ideas that come to your mind, and try to look for inspiration everywhere you go. 8. Get yourself the right equipment. Your content may be super cool and useful, but if the quality of your videos is poor, most people won't want to waste their time on a blurry image. 9. Popular YouTubers normally use either a mirror lessor a DSLR camera (the latter stands for a digital single-lens reflex camera).

How to make money on YouTube in 2020?

 Other essentials you may need include lenses, tripods, or even studio lighting, depending on the concept of your channel. 10. If you shoot videos on the go, you'd better choose a good monopod or handheld stabilizer, and a high-quality action camera. 11. Clear sound is just as important as the picture it self. That's why it's a great idea to invest in a good microphone before you start shooting your videos. Always check your audio to make sure the viewers will be able to understand your words. 12. To get better sound while shooting outside ,use a directional microphone - it filters the background noise around you, singling out the sounds of whatever it’s pointed directly at. 13. Until you've gathered a big following, make sure that every second of your videos has some meaning. Choose the very best content, and cut out any boring moments of silence. It’ll keep your viewers' attention through out the video. 14. If you're new on YouTube, and video editing is still something you don't excel at, don’t use advanced editing software, like Final Cut Pro. Try something basic and simple at first. 15. Never compare yourself with other YouTubers- that's a sure way to a fiasco. Concentrate on your work and use every opportunity to learn something new: test original editing styles, try new presentation techniques, and explore new areas that may interest your viewers. 16. Commit yourself to posting on your channel at least three times a week. Statistically, such channels are much more successful and get significantly more recommended views.

How many subscribers to make money on YouTube?

 This tip is especially important for those who are just starting their YouTube channel, because it's a sure way to gain popularity. 17. On top of that, if you post tons of videos from the very beginning, you build up your own video library. This way, the viewers will be able to move from one video to another, boosting your watch time. 18. Your content should be simple enough to be produced regularly and in a relatively short time. Experienced YouTubers often have a small video studio of their own (even if it's just an ex-storeroom in their apartment). All you have to do when you need new content is turn on the lighting and start shooting! 19. Illustrate your videos with different stories and life examples. It engages people more, and they’ll continue watching to see what will happen in the end. 20. If you already have a large, trusting audience, you can begin your video with a fact that seems totally off-topic, and then make a sudden turn and connect it with the main idea of your video. 21. Start your videos in an intriguing way. For example, if it's some tutorial, show the final result first. It’ll hook people and make them watch your video until the end. 22. The titles of your videos should be short and intriguing to make the viewers interested enough to click. The same goes for the opener: if it's too long, people might get bored, lose interest, and close the video. 23. Make your title no longer than 10 words, use simple vocabulary, and try to come up with something intriguing and catchy. Don’t use academic words, metaphors, or clickbait phrases. 24. Remember to add end screens which are interactive links to your playlists and other videos. It's a great way to promote your channel,

 or even your website! 25. But you should keep in mind that end screens appear in the last 20 seconds of your video, so you should plan exactly where and when you want to have them. The best option is to organize the layout of your video in such a way that end screens frame the main subject on the screen. 26. Another crucial point is the thumbnail. Depending on how well you work on it, a thumbnail can make your video a roaring success, or let it go completely unnoticed. First of all, the thumbnail should be relevant to the content and the title of your video. Otherwise, the viewers will immediately click away. 27. Also, always describe the thumbnail in the video. Your audience clicks on the picture because it's got them hooked, and they want to learn more about it in the video itself. 28. Design your thumbnail to tell a story. The image should intrigue your viewers and make them wonder what's going to happen next, and which actions have led to this situation. 29. Use one style while creating all your thumbnails- this way, people will recognize them at first glance. You can also add your channel's logo, design particular shapes or patterns, or use the same element on all your thumbs. 30.

 You can test which of your thumbnails are the most clickable and have the highest view-through rate. To do it, you'll have to spend some money to find out your YouTube statistics for a week or so, but the results will be worth it. 31. Making long videos can help you to improve watch time. Despite the infamous attention span these days, videos that last for more than 10 minutes get recommended by YouTube more often than shorter ones. 32. Watch time is vital for a vlogger nowadays because recently, YouTube has changed its algorithm. Thus, content creators get rewarded depending on how long their videos are watched rather than how many people click on them. 33. Another good idea is a collaboration with other YouTubers. You can advertise each other either through end screens or by mentioning another channel or person in your video. Such promotions have a great influence on viewers and often let you gain many new subscribers. 34.

 Ignore the negative feedback you might get- it's almost inevitable. Remember that however useful and entertaining your content is, there will always be those who’ll try to bring you down by posting hateful comments. Don't let them discourage you! Now it’s your turn. Do you have your own recommendations for those who want to make their YouTube channel take off? Let me know down in the comments! If you learned something new today, then give this video a like and share it with a friend. But – hey! – don't go changing the channel just yet – or ever! We have over 2,000 cool videos for you to check out. All you have to do is pick the left or right video, click on it, and enjoy! Stay on the Bright Side of life! 

How to make money on Instagram ?

  Okay, today we're going to talk about how to make money on Instagram, now before we dive into some of the tips and strategies, I have Blake with me, my social media director. My secret weapon when it comes to social media and also Instagram. He's the one that helped me go from 50000 Instagram followers to now, 800000 plus Instagram followers. Now when first Blake came to me, I was actually very skeptical, right? Just a little bit. Just a little bit, I was like, well Instagram I don't know, is it worth while, do I want to spend money and resources and time on it. Do people just look at pictures and actually people I think, I should go spending money on it, right? Right. Do actually people buy from Instagram so I was very, very skeptical. So at the time I had 50000 subscribers. So what happens, Blake came to me. So I came to you and then it was like I was getting sloppy seconds all of the time. Yeah, that's right. (laughing) Whatever we get from YouTube or other photos we find in the annex, you know, go ahead and use those. No strategy, no love. No love, no love at all 

.No love, no resources. Yeah. So basically, Blake said "okay, see Daniel I think we did something here. Yeah, I think you should pay attention to Instagram". Like nah, I don't want to, I don't have time. He's like "just give it a chance", so Blake created a full blown marketing plan. Yeah. Like basically a proposal and I was looking through like hmm, I still don't know about it and he was asking me different things like number of request and I was like nope. Nope. No I'm not gonna do this .I'm not gonna do that. He's asking "I want these kind of photos". No, I don't give you a shit basically.

 No, no money. It's like scraps, no love, very little effort. No attention, I was like here you go, just do whatever you could, right. So Blake helped me to go from 50000 subscribers to then 100000 subscribers and then I was doing a little bit of marketing, right. A little bit of promotion on there and then suddenly we were seeing sales. Yeah. And I was like hmm may beI should pay attention and from there, we got a little bit more serious. We did. A little more serious. So let's talk about how do people actually make money on Instagram like what's some of the ways that they can do that? Well, first off there's a lot of ways you can make money on Instagram. Yes. We'll cover a few. One of them actually is the just selling your photos. Ah, yes. You know, there's a lot of photographers on Instagram, they take amazing, beautiful photography and actually I think there was an Instagram account that the guy was just making photos and stuff like that, he sold his photos for like 15k. Yes, because Instagram is a perfect way to showcase your artistic ability. (mumbles) People like the photo, being like, yeah and even I see a lot of artists where they showcase their pieces, their art work or different things that yes, people can see that oh, this is great. Like, I want to buy one of these! Or even, cartoons, right? Yeah, cartoons. Yeah.

 They make money from a few hundred dollars, like for a photo or to tens of thousands of dollars, absolute-very, very powerful. Even you have people who are, second way to make money is what? Selling your products or services? That's right. (clicks fingers) You can sell your own stuff. You can sell your products and services. If you've watched Million Dollar Listings, Right. On New York, Fredrik, Ryan and they promote their real estate listing sand properties and properties that they' reselling on Instagram. So you have real estate agents posting their photos selling multi-million dollar properties through Instagram. If you think about it, it's mind blowing. It's mind blowing. It doesn't matter what business you're in, it could be you are in a service business, you coach, you're a consultant, you're a thought leader, you're a real estate agent, you are a speaker, you're a mortgage broker, even you own a restaurant, right? Yeah. You own a gym, you can show before and after photos of your clients. So many different things you can do. Now to sell, the problem is with selling,

 what is a good way to, so people see our photo, how would people take action? What do we do to get them to take the next step? Well there's a lot of ways you can do it, if you're still under neathy our first 10000 followers Yes. The best way that you can monetize your Instagram, there's just like, number one just getting your message, getting your branding and everything set up and getting that out there. But the link in the bio is typically the number one thing that you  off with is you do a post, you do as imple plug to if you want more photos like this Click on the link in the bio. If you want to come, exactly. If it's a restaurant like you said, it's a certain menu item, maybe it's a coupon? Coupon. Click the link- Click the link in the bio, get the coupon coming on Wednesday and claim it, right? Yeah. Anything like that. Yes. So that's the second way, promote your own products and services. Third way, which is amazing. This is actually surprising to me and I found out about this a little bit later on. When you have a lot of followers on Instagram, companies and entrepreneurs and different brands, they will actually pay you Uh-huh. To have you post a photo, a post on your Instagram account. Basically, it's a sponsorship post, right? Exactly. How does that work? So yeah, if you buildup your account to even, I've seen people as few as a few thousand followers A few thousand. That's it. It just takes a couple thousand followers and you'll have people start reaching out to you that are with in your niche as long as you're clear on what your niche is and what you're going after. You'll get products and people reaching out to you. Yeah and people offer you free stuff all the time, I'm not saying that you want free stuff and that's why you do it but you do get people Yeah. Offering  you a lot offer stuff, we turn down most of the free stuff 

.But, yeah, people offer you free stuff. Right? Yeah, and then- So, how much can they get paid like propose what's a good- Depends on the size of the account but it's anywhere from 50 to500 dollars when you're somewhere between 5000 and 50000 followers but then the bigger you get, the more commission you can make because the more eyeballs you're putting that product in front of. Do you know Kardashian sand all that, how much they charge per post? (oof) A lot. I think over a million per post. Wow! And I know some Instagrammers charge like 15, 25k only. Yeah, oh yeah. per post. Well you don' t need to do a lot of posts to do, you know, one post a week, you're doing quite well. (laughing) Yeah. How hard is that, you just the person, or the client will give you the Right. photo, the copy, the messaging, everything, the product- (sarcastic) oh, it is so tough. (laughter) I got ta, I go tta hit, I got ta, I got ta hit this. I go tta. Whoa, 15k. Shit, this is good. This is amazing, boom. Last way. Another way to do it is through affiliate programs. That's right.

 Which is something we teach as well to you, that is to promote other people's products and services and when you make a sale, you'll get an affiliate commission. That's right. It means that you don't have to create a product, you don't have to do the fulfillment, you don't have to deal with the customer service. Handle the building ,anything like that. You just have a link, could be in the bio Yeah. People click, you talk about a product or maybe you take a picture, this is what I like to use and boom. There you go. There you go. So four simple ways to make money on Instagram, if you want to know more about Instagram and how Blake and I, we grew our Instagram account from really, 0 to now 800000 followers in record time. We went from 50000 subscribers to80000 subscribers in less than one year. If you want to know how to do that, we're doing a special online event for Instagram secrets. I'll put a link here if you want to join us, if you want to get a ticket and learn more about how Instagram works. It doesn't matter what product or what services you want to promote, ory ou just want to gain more followers, 
