
Make 100$ per day online in 2020

 Make 100$ per day online in 2020

 $100 per day so you can have your notifications looking like this. So making $100 a day, $400-500 really the sky's the limit and with these eight websites I'm going to show you today that you could be on your way to generating $100 or more per day in 2020. So the first step that you're going to want to do is- you didn't think it was that easy, I wasn't going to just give it to you right off. My name is Marissa, welcome to the channel and in today's video, as I mentioned, we're going to talk about 8 really amazing websites. I just wanted to make one thing clear, is that none of these websites are just magical you're not going to poof, press a button, do a couple clicks, and then a hundred bucks a day is going to just show up in your bank account. Most of them will take some up-front effort. So I wanted to make that clear because that I've been able to generate online has not been something as simple as that. It has taken effort, it has taken time and persistence, but it is beyond worth it. So without further ado, please be sure to take notes on this video, there's some good ones on here, and we're starting right now. 


So the first website is Amazon Kindle publishing. This is where you become an author of a book, and you write and publish a book and you publish it and upload it on and the great thing about it is that Amazon promotes it for you, It hosts the book for you. You do get paid 70% of the sales when you upload it. Amazon will promote it, they will host the book for you on the website, and people can go on to the website and give it reviews. And so Amazon is really great at recommending books and sending more and more traffic, as time goes on, to these books. And so realistically how much can you make? Well I know you're probably thinking "Wellbooks don't really cost that much on Amazon," but let's say that your book cost around $15. So if you make 10 sales a day, that is $100per day online. And so that's just with Amazon promoting your book, imagine if you used your social media accounts to promote your book and you handsome outside efforts running traffic to this book, now there's people I know that are really good at Kindle publishing and make six figures doing just this so it's definitely something you should look into. Me, personally, I'm going to look into publishing my first book with Kindle publishing on Amazon.


 Just think about it like this: Once you write the book, edit it and publish it, that work is done and that book now becomes passive income on this website. And so even if you made one sale per day ,that's approximately $210-$220 per month and you don't have to do anything else. And not only that, you're building up your credibility as an author, you're expanding your audience and more people are getting a lot out of your book. Alright, so the second website where you can really crush it online is Kartra. Now Katra is an online business platform ,let me clarify that right now, and so with online business you are going to need online business tools and Kartra definitely has it all. It has email marketing, sales funnels. And you might be thinking "How do you make money with it?" There's so many ways to make money with Kartra ,I am actually an affiliate for Katra, so I consistently make a sale maybe once every other day. And so when I make a sale that's a 30% commission that I received for making that sale. So affiliate marketing is a great way as well to make $100 a day online. So I make affiliate sales from promoting Karter Because I use it myself. It's a great business tool. It's really a game-changer for the way I make money online and in my business. And so the other way you can make money by creating your own products with Katra.


 You can create your own membership site, you can create your own services, whatever you want. Let's say you're a coach and you could create a sales funnel before a coaching funnel where you collect people's information, you have an application, they could book directly through Katra and onto your calendar and pay you. You could set up a product and you can set up a payment plan or a plan to collect payments for your coaching, or really any other type of service you want to offer. And so, as you can see, this week last quarter for selling my own services I made $4,500 and that was awesome. And it was with the power of Katra, becauseI was able to offer a product which was hosted on Kartra. And so I know that those sales to my services are only going to grow massively in 2020. And so the other ways you can make money with Ketra is it has its own affiliate marketplace, and it's own marketplace where you can have your own products. So kind of like if you've heard of ClickBank,it's very similar to Katra. If you go into their market place, you can see products that are being sold and you can put your own digital products on there and affiliates can promote your products. And then, of course, as I mentioned with having your own membership site, you can have your own digital products on Kartra and so I hada course last year where I sold it for $197. So if I make 11 sales, because I would make11 sales on average per month, I mean that's $2,100 easy per month that I'm making for just creating the course one time so that really is the power of Katra. There's, I just named, like six different ways to make money with it. If you are interested in checking it out and having a 2-week free trial, or no, I think it's $1 but they don't even charge your credit card. You can check out my affiliate link below,I do get credit but also I offer some amazing bonuses with it including done-for-you funnels,email swipes, all the information will be in the description below. Okay still coming in at number three is the stock market. And so people kind of are like "eww," when they hear the term the stock market, but it is something that I am highly interested in this year and I'm going to focus on, and I will actually be documenting some of my investment journeys this year on my YouTube channel. But the way the stock market works is there's kind of two ways to make money from it. You can invest into dividend paying stocks,which is a company that will pay out dividends either at the end of the year or quarterly. It just depends, and those dividends can range from either 1%-6% return. So they give you that amount back depending on the amount of the you invested with them at the end of the year or quarterly however they do it. And the second way to make money with stocks is selling your stocks. So assuming that you did your research and you pick good stocks to invest in, after a certain amount of time you can sell those stocks and make profit from the difference between how much you bought it and how much you sold them for


. And so as a matter of fact, the third richest man in the world, Warren Buffett, he is a huge huge fan of dividend paying stocks and his favorite dividend paying stocks are Heinz, Wells Fargo, and General Motors. So you're welcome, that research is already done for you. So definitely consider the stock market. So my fourth website for making $100 per day,or more actually, way more than $100 per day, YouTube. And so YouTube is a platform full of money-making opportunities. I can't say this enough, I'll say this till the day I die, I'm all black and blue in the face, YouTube is just a gold mine of money and people don't realize that and they get scared to get on camera and create their own content and to get intimidated I get it, I get it. There's creators out there with millions and millions of subscribers and it could be an intimidating thing to start and that's why if you guys are starting a channel from brand new or interested in doing it, I have a subscriber to sales blueprint which, if you're brand new, it's perfect for you because it's my six step guide on how I created a wildly profitable six-figure YouTube business and how you cando it too. And so I recently created a video on my channel about making $100 a day on YouTube without creating any videos. You guys love this video,It's got a lot of views, I just published It 2 months ago. I was thinking, it was such a hit, of making a part two on, if you really are camera shy, how you can create videos that are amazing videos that you don't even have to edit or create them or anything or get in front of the camera. If you're interested in me making that videogo ahead in the comments, type in YouTube part 2 because it is a really, really cool idea that I have and you guys are going to love it. Really, there's so many ways to capitalize on SEO and organic traffic from a YouTube channel, even if you have a small channel you can still make six figures. That's what I try to tell people because you're putting out information and content on this platform that people are already searching for, and so when they come to your videos, naturally, whatever you want to promote orso, you can put those links in the description of your videos, and most of the time ,depending on the offer or service, that will become passive income. I mean check out my ad revenue, my GoogleAdSense ad revenue because my channel is monetized and a part of the YouTube partnership program,I forget what time frame it'll show in this clip, but I mean.


 I went from $177 a day to200 to 300, you know all the way up to $698 per day that I made just from the YouTubeplatform. That is bananas, but it is very possible. I just started this channel less than two years ago and I strongly believe that becoming a YouTube Creator is a profitable online business that anyone can start, it doesn't matter If you're an introvert, you are shy, or any of those things, anyone could do it, trust me. And coming in at number 5 is Etsy. Etsy is E-Commerce and I'm someone who didShopify and DropShipping, and all that over two years ago and that was hard, and a lot of times I lost money. I would lose $100 per day, right? But with Etsy, I would totally do Etsy ifI was to do e-commerce again, because one of my girlfriends, her name's Hannah, she has a store called Views and Co is she is crushing it, crushing it, crushing it, crushingit on Etsy making $500 to $1,500 a day. I mean, she's earned it. She did a lot of work on the branding of herstore and getting her manufacturers and the products.The products she sells are a lot of jewelry and purses and really cute stuff. But she's done a lot of great research on where she gets her products and making sure that they're high-quality but she's telling me like, "Yeah, Etsy is a gold mine." It's because you don't have to deal with Facebookads and Facebook taking your money and shutting down your ad account and all of this stuff,and so Etsy is awesome, and it's not just stuff for girls and women.


 I mean, I have a cousin as well who is making these little wooden products, I mean I'm not going to give away his idea, but we were driving not too long ago and he's like "Just made an Etsy sale, Uhp just made an Etsy sale." So if you could think of a way to get products in an online store, or if you have a craft that you like or like to make things, you could really get it poppin on the Etsy website, let me tell you. Alright, so coming in at website number sixis Textbroker. What I like about textbroker is it's for writers,if you enjoy writing. So basically you would get paid to write and you would be writing content for businesses or other solopreneur individuals, entrepreneurs who need content written for their business. And so you would go to their website and you would sign up on their website, and register, create your profile and, in the beginning,you start out with a lower payment because you are a brand new, but as your reviews get better and as you become a better writer you get a 5-star rating. So your rating goes through zero stars all the way up to five. Those writers that have a 5-star rating, Ithink they can make up to $0.05 per word, which might not sound like a lot. However, it is kind of a lot when you think about writing an article of 2,000 words. So if you are a 5-star writer and you make $0.05a word, that is $100. And so if you could write a 2000 word article per day, and make $100 a day.


 I think it is very doable. I mean, I've written that really fast, within two and a half hours, so I think that's a great deal. So if you are in the writing space and you enjoy it, definitely check out Textbroker to make some money online. Alright, so the 7th site where you can make$100 per day or more is Snapwire. And you can do this by selling your photos online. So before you complain "Ahh Marissa, I'veheard this before, to sell your photos and videos online," but really, hear me out on this one. So if you go to snapwire, you can make custom visuals and earn money doing what you love, if you're a creator, this is how it works. There's two ways to earn and succeed, you can do requests and challenges or portfolio and marketplace. So a request is where business creators have competitions for a style or particular photo they're looking at and if you win the challenge you make full profit from that challenge, and if you do it the other way, you basically have all your photos set up in a portfolio and in a marketplace and as people find them,you make 50% of the conditions from selling them through Snapwire and so, as it says,you get 100% of the profit for requests and challenges and 50% on the marketplace. And so if we go over here to careers and soif you check out the marketplace and all these beautiful photos, you can kind of get an idea of what some type of images would be worth, like for this photo in a large, a person would pay $100, and that's if they bought a large, that's $50 for you. 


So if you sold a couple of photos per day, that's awesome. And so being on Snap wire, the traffic and the promotion is taken care of and you get a really great commission for content that you like to produce and for something, I would imagine, that you're already doing, with taking photos. So, coming in at number eight is Retail Arbitrage. So this isn't a specific website, but let me explain how this works. And this is pure, good old hustle, where you could do this anywhere you live. You would essentially get good at thrifting ,so this means going to thrift stores, going to Goodwill, to different types of flea markets ,looking around on the Facebook Marketplace, looking at apps like Offer Up on your phone. So you can check out with these stores and marketplaces have and see what's for sale. Because a lot of times, there's some real hidden treasures in there that you can resell for more, and so you could resell them on websites like eBay, Amazon, and if you're into fashion, you can sell them on Posh mark. There's people killing it, making money on Posh mark alone, and I just recently talked about this in the video, but there's Posh markers out there making anywhere from $1,000 to $4,000 a month selling used fashion clothes on this website. Retail arbitrage is a real way to make $100per day online. Gary V talks about this in his episodes of Trash Talk, where he goes around to different garage sales and does the same thing. Gets old stuff from people's garage sales and he resells them for profit. And so the other cool things you can download are free app like Profit Bandit, where if you were to scan the barcode of something

you could see how much it is selling for on Amazon, so that is really cool. So you can determine how much you want to buy it for or maybe bargain to buy it for less. So if you've picked up a thing or two, if you're liking this video, give it a like, give it a thumbs up, join the family if you haven't already, subscribe to the channel and I guarantee you if you're liking this video, you will certainly like this video right here, which is called "Best Work fromHome Jobs in 2020" and that starts right now. Now this past year I lived in six different countries and traveled to over 12 different cities, and that would not have been possible if I did not have the ability to work from home, from my internet connection and my laptop.

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